Conveniently located to serve the areas of Greenville, SC, Spartanburg, SC, Columbia, SC, Anderson, SC and Asheville, NC

PRP therapy

Plasma Is the Key to Unlock Your Potential

Blood is synonymous with life. It evokes passion, connection, and longevity. As they say, “blood is thicker than water,” and by studying the components of human plasma, we expand the limits of medical science to become even more hefty and hearty.

Dr. Haasis conducts fascinating studies into the vitality and applications of autologous material. Autologous healthcare is the discipline of harvesting the body’s own resources to heal itself without the need for toxic medications or unnecessary surgery. With a simple blood draw, Dr. Haasis can determine your ability to solve various medical issues from within.

Are you ready to explore your limitless potential? Contact Dr. Haasis in Greenville, South Carolina and connect with your ideal self.

What Is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Platelets are named after their signature shape, since they are round and flat like dinner plates. This shape allows platelets to perform their primary function, which is clotting in the event of an injury. When the skin is broken, blood invariably spills. The platelets in that blood send chemical signals to each other, forming a vital network of healing. The platelets form a cohesive mesh, gluing up a wound and slowing the blood loss.

PRP has proven to help world-class athletes repair muscles and joints more rapidly than they could mend on their own. In fact, the blood supplies your body with a rich tapestry of healing power, but it is inefficient in delivering its most nurturing compounds where they are needed. 

But clotting is just one of the many remarkable capabilities lurking in the platelets that course through your blood. The specialized cells embody healing at its most basic. Dr. Haasis can harness the power of platelets by drawing a small amount of plasma and placing it into a centrifuge. The platelets are isolated and concentrated into a serum called platelet-rich plasma (PRP).[1,2]

A wounded ankle, for example, is a hotbed of damaged cells. While the ligaments and cartilage surrounding the ankle cry out for attention, their messages are falling on deaf ears; the surrounding cells are also injured. By redirecting platelet-rich plasma to the site of an injury, Dr. Haasis can speed up its recovery. PRP spells results!

What Is PPP?

When PRP is harvested from a blood sample, the inevitable byproduct is PPP, which stands for platelet-poor plasma. Although PPP lacks the same platelet prowess that PRP boasts, it may contain alternative benefits for those who need comprehensive healing. Platelet-poor plasma may be rich in fibrinogen, a protein essential in the patching of wounds.[3] 

PRP therapy athletes

Take the aforementioned example of an ankle injury. While PRP may conduct a sophisticated symphony of chemical signals, the PPP may also come in handy. Muscles often need fibrinogen to fully repair themselves, and PPP is the perfect resource

Platelet-poor plasma has also proven effective in the treatment of nerve hydrodissection.[4] By releasing a trapped nerve, PPP may offer relief from such persistent conditions as carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Regardless of the specific nature of your pain or damage, there may be a wide array of remedies simmering in your plasma. Dr. Haasis can unlock your body’s healing potential with a gentle blood draw. Contact his office and amplify your potential!

Benefits of Plasma Therapy

When you are in pain, you often feel helpless. You may seek several medical opinions to try and alleviate your distress, but they often echo each other to the tune of prescription meds and invasive surgery.

The main benefit of plasma therapy is its organic nature. The materials that may spell out your healing future are coursing through your veins right now. There is nothing more direct and natural than harnessing your own body’s biological benefits.

Since both PRP and PRP are derived from your own plasma, there is not the same risk of contamination or allergic reaction associated with external sources. All medications require warning labels for a simple reason: they are foreign to the chemistry of your body. Side effects abound and there are possible risks of dependency and sickness. 

While surgery may be necessary to patch a particularly extensive injury, your body must take the reins at some point. Your muscles need to regenerate and your supportive tissue needs time to replenish its network of healing power. PPP and PRP aid this elaborate process without the need for surgery. PPP provides muscles with nurturing fibrinogen and PRP speeds the formation of reparative cartilage and ligament tissue.

Eligible Candidates

Men and women in the Greenville area who wish to explore a holistic healing regimen may be ideal candidates for PRP and PPP treatment. Eligibility depends on the components of a patient’s plasma and the viability of its platelet count and protein contents.

Dr. Haasis will assess your blood sample to determine your candidacy for PRP and/or PPP therapy. Contact us in Greenville, South Carolina to schedule your consultation with the foremost regional expert in plasma science and its various applications.

Private Consultation

Healthcare is a journey. Your needs of today are vastly different from your medical snapshot from years ago. Your body evolves as it matures, and Dr. Haasis wants to get a complete picture of who you are and where you are going. Be ready to share your medical history and future goals.

Preparation and Procedure

During your comprehensive consultation with Dr. Haasis, you will receive detailed instructions on how to prepare for PRP and/or PPP therapy. You may be advised to quit smoking and stop taking certain blood thinners. Optimal circulation is key to plasma health and viability.

The collection of plasma components is as easy as giving a blood sample. Dr. Haasis and his team can isolate PRP and PPP in a centrifuge. Once the blood has been separated into its plasma-rich and protein-rich elements, those respective serums can be reintroduced into your body where they are needed most.

Recovery and Results

The healing process is not linear. Your body goes through waves of progress, but sometimes requires time and attention to allow maximum recuperation. PRP and PPP therapies are minimally invasive, so the actual procedure does not require extensive recovery. The results, however, may take time to manifest themselves, since injuries are often complex.

Some patients notice an improvement in their damaged tissue in as few as 3-6 weeks, while others require 2-4 months for the rewards to roll in. Dr. Haasis may recommend follow-up sessions to extend the benefits of PRP and/or PPP treatment. 

Complementary Procedures 

Platelets offer remarkable benefits for clients who wish to improve their health prospects without devolving into excessive medications or lengthy surgeries. It is just one of the many tools in Dr. Haasis’ integrative medical toolkit.

Stem cells are another burgeoning field of medical solutions offered at our Greenville clinic. By harnessing undifferentiated cells from within a patient’s bone marrow or fat tissue, we can create a support system of cell regeneration and specialization at the site(s) of an injury.

Cells communicate through a sophisticated secretion called exosomes. Dr. Haasis can isolate exosomes and control the communication within the body. Let’s hear it for innovation!


How much does PRP therapy cost in South Carolina?

Quality care should never be cost prohibitive. Dr. Haasis prides himself on providing the best integrative medical solutions at the right price. During your initial consultation, he will explain the budgetary breakdown of each stage in the PRP (and PPP) process. His pricing is transparent, so there are no surprise medical bills associated with plasma treatment. The best part of platelet therapy is that the healing materials belong to you. They exist in your blood; we just guide them on their way. No expensive medications, no pricey surgeries, just sensible scientific solutions.

How effective is PPP treatment?

In the early days of plasma-centric medical research, platelet-rich samples were coveted while platelet-poor material was discarded or simply regarded as a “control” serum. Fast forward to the future, circa now. Dr. Haasis values all components of human plasma, mining its contents for healing power and differentiation. PPP (platelet-poor plasma) may lack some properties of PRP (platelet-rich plasma), but it might contain high levels of fibrinogen. By aiding the formation of fibrin, PPP can assist the restoration of damaged muscles. PPP has also proven quite promising in the treatment of conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. 


  1. Franco, D., Franco, T., Schettino, A. M. et al. (2012). Protocol for Obtaining Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Platelet-Poor Plasma (PPP), and Thrombin for Autologous Use. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 36, 1254–1259. 
  2. Man, D., Plosker, H., Winland-Brown, J. E. (2001). The use of autologous platelet-rich plasma (platelet gel) and autologous platelet-poor plasma (fibrin glue) in cosmetic surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 107(1):229-37; discussion 238-9. DOI: 10.1097/00006534-200101000-00037. 
  3. Clark, R. A. (2001). Fibrin and wound healing. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 936:355‐367. DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2001.tb03522.x 
  4. Cass, S. P. (2016). Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Hydrodissection. Current Sports Medicine Reports: 15(1)20-22. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000226