Stem Cells for Shoulder Injury
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Greenville, SC, Spartanburg, SC, Columbia, SC, Anderson, SC and Asheville, NC

The human body is simultaneously statuesque and elastic. The shoulder, in particular, is lined with sturdy bones and muscles, yet rotates 360 degrees to provide flexibility and functionality.
When you have a shoulder injury, the pain can radiate up to the neck and down to the tips of your fingers. Shoulder damage can be difficult to fix due to the complexities of its biological structure, but Dr. Haasis understands biology on a cellular level.
The Stem Cell Is the Building Block of Shoulder Reparation
Under Dr. Haasis’ expert leadership, the Daisy Institute can address joint damage with the revolutionary use of stem cell therapy. Stem cells are undifferentiated structures that can evolve into specialized cells like bone, tendons, and muscles. When stem cells are introduced at the junction of a hurt shoulder, they go to work replacing and supporting the injured tissue.
To benefit from Dr. Haasis’ mastery of stem cell research and its wide array of applications, contact the Daisy Institute in Greenville, South Carolina.
How Stem Cells Can Heal a Shoulder Injury
Joint pain can stem from a variety of different sources. Inflammation, bone loss, and tissue damage may all play a part in causing debilitating shoulder dysfunction. Diagnosing the problem is the first hurdle in treating it, but stem cell therapy can speed up the process. Stem cells can develop into many different types of cells. In effect, stem cells may treat bone degradation, inflammation and tendon damage all in one convenient procedure.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful inflammation of the joints. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks its own healthy tissue. To replicate the conditions of arthritis in lab rodents, researchers injected collagen into their joints. The scientists were then able to alleviate the pain and distress of collagen-induced arthritis by injecting mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into the affected areas.[1,2]
When the human body ages, its bones may become weak and brittle. This is a condition known as osteoporosis. When a person suffers from osteoporosis, their shoulders are especially vulnerable to injury due to the close contact the bones have with one another in the shoulder region. Every wave of the arms may result in bone-against-bone grinding and further damage to the joint. Stem cells can treat osteoporosis by introducing undifferentiated cells to the root of the degraded bones. When they adapt to their surroundings, stem cells can mimic the structure of shoulder bone tissue and form new cells that fend off the ravages of time.
The beauty of stem cells is their variability. While they can flourish into bone cells, as the example above illustrates, they may also form healthy new tendon cells. Dr. Haasis can address issues of tendonitis and tendonosis to make sure the connective bands that facilitate bone/muscle harmony stay strong and pain-free.
To prevent the many tendons, muscles and bones in the shoulder from irritating one another, the area is populated with bursae. A bursa is a cushioned sac of fluid that cradles the interiors of the shoulder. When a bursa is inflamed, however, it can cause its own complications, known as bursitis. Stem cells can replenish the healthy cells within a bursa and alleviate inflammation.
The ways in which stem cells battle inflamed tissue is a matter of cell functionality at its very core. When cells process oxygen, they often produce a byproduct called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).[3] Stem cells, on the other hand, function more efficiently, consuming sugars to output energy. By exhibiting a more streamlined and productive cellular process, stem cells can reduce inflammation in sensitive areas such as the bursae lining the interior of the shoulder.
Torn Rotator Cuff
The bursa itself may be an area rich with stem cells. Studies prove how effective the harvested cells from the subacromial bursa, specifically, can be in contributing stem cells to repair a torn rotator cuff.[4] Researchers have also found that the mesenchymal stem cells found in the rotator cuff area may be beneficial in repairing injured tendons and muscles.[5]
The shoulder is a dynamic arena of change and possibility. It not only contributes valuable stem cells to the repair of damaged tissue, but it benefits from stem cells harvested elsewhere in the body.
The shoulder is a microcosm for health and wellness on a larger scale. The ligaments and musculature intertwine delicately and intricately. You cannot simply heal one facet of the shoulder without considering its relationship with the surrounding tissue.
To learn more about the vital possibilities presented by stem cell therapy for shoulder pain, contact Dr. Haasis.
Benefits of Low-Impact Shoulder Repair

Surgery is a real commitment. Patients must prepare for weeks in advance and allow even more time for aftercare. By treating shoulder damage with stem cells, Dr. Haasis uses your body’s own resources to improve your prognosis.
Stem cell therapy is a discipline of integrative medicine. Dr. Haasis is an unparalleled authority in the benefits of integrative medicine due to his years of study and practice. By harnessing the stem cells in your fat tissue and/or bone marrow, Dr. Haasis can deliver healing results without the need for invasive surgery.
To experience the benefits of stem cell therapy to treat your shoulder injury, contact Dr. Haasis at his Greenville office.
Another great benefit of stem cell therapy is its lack of reliance on toxic medications. Shoulders can be mired in pain, and many practitioners prescribe relief in the form of a pill. Pain meds can be addictive, and their efficacy dwindles over time. Patients may need more and more pills to provide the same level of pain mitigation, contributing to the dangers of dependency.
Stem cells, on the other hand, are all natural. They consist of your own biological material, so there is no risk of allergic reaction or rejection.
Private Shoulder Injury Consultation in Greenville, South Carolina
Healthcare is a series of improvements. We want to build upon the treatments you have already received for your shoulder pain. Rather than dismissing your physical therapy or past surgeries, let’s branch out with the use of stem cells. The burgeoning power of stem cells can aid your recovery, even if you have tried other methods of repair before. Dr. Haasis is well versed in the many schools of thought pertaining to joint damage. Consult with him and let his expertise guide your recovery.
During your consultation, you will receive detailed instructions to prepare for stem cell therapy. The first step of the process entails the harvesting of viable stem cells from your donor sites.
Once the healthy stem cells are collected, they are purified in a centrifuge. This isolates and concentrates your stem cells. Now, you are ready for the implantation procedure.
Your body’s own undifferentiated stem cells are injected precisely to the point of injury. Stem cells can develop into young, vibrant bone cells, tendon cells, or bursa cells. The duration of your procedure will depend on how readily available the stem cells are in your donor sites and how many sessions you will require to alleviate your shoulder pain.
Shoulder Injury Recovery and Results
Your satisfaction is Dr. Haasis’ top priority.
You may experience redness and swelling at the injection site(s). This is normal, and will subside in a matter of days. The full benefits of stem cell therapy may take 6-8 weeks to manifest themselves. Please do not rush the process. Avoid strenuous activity during the recovery period, especially exertion that puts stress on the shoulders.
Stem cell therapy is not just a medical breakthrough; it is a true source of joy for your joints. By addressing the root causes of pain, stem cells repair tissue by replacing weak or damaged cells. The result is a stronger shoulder and increased mobility.
How much does stem cell therapy for shoulders cost?
The price of stem cell therapy is tailored to each patient to meet their unique needs. Some issues require less time and resources while others are more complex. Dr. Haasis will quote you an accurate cost estimate at the time of your consultation. You do not need to shoulder the burden of expensive medical bills when the Daisy Institute is on your side.
Can stem cells repair shoulder injuries?
Yes, and Dr. Haasis is the ideal practitioner of stem cell therapy for shoulders. Joint pain can be caused by bone deterioration, inflammation, tendonitis, arthritis, or a combination of many reasons. Stem cells are the ultimate treatment because they can adapt into specialized cells of varying types. Some stem cells become bone cells while others become tendon tissue, for example. Dr. Haasis understands the vibrant possibilities of stem cell therapy as it relates to shoulder repair. Contact the Daisy Institute to learn more.
- Augello, A., Tasso, R., Negrini, S. M., Cancedda, R., & Pennesi, G. (2007). Cell therapy using allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells prevents tissue damage in collagen‐induced arthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 56(4), 1175-1186.
- Rosloniec, E. F., Cremer, M., Kang, A. H., Myers, L. K., Brand, D. D. (2010). Collagen-induced arthritis. Current Protocols in Immunology. Chapter 15. DOI: 10.1002/0471142735.im1505s89
- Dosch, M., Gerber, J., Jebbawi, F., & Beldi, G. (2018). Mechanisms of ATP Release by Inflammatory Cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 19(4), 1222.
- Utsunomiya, H., Uchida, S., Sekiya, I., Sakai, A., Moridera, K., & Nakamura, T. (2013). Isolation and characterization of human mesenchymal stem cells derived from shoulder tissues involved in rotator cuff tears. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 41(3), 657-668.
- Tsai, C. C., Huang, T. F., Ma, H. L., Chiang, E. R., & Hung, S. C. (2013). Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from shoulder rotator cuff: a potential source for muscle and tendon repair. Cell Transplantation, 22(3), 413-422.