Stem Cells for Elbows

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Greenville, SC, Spartanburg, SC, Columbia, SC, Anderson, SC and Asheville, NC

Treating your body with stem cells for elbows is an effective treatment for optimizing elbow function. With stem cells, patients can relieve pain from arthritis and fortify vital connective tissues for enhanced well-being. Stem cells are a cutting-edge form of medicine that are renowned for their regenerative properties and ability to help the body restore healthy tissue.

Dr. John C. Haasis III is board-certified with over 25 years of experience helping patients improve their well-being with innovative regenerative medicine. At the Daisy Institute, our holistic approach allows us to create a customizable plan based on your specific needs. Stem cells are a low-risk, well-tolerated treatment that can support your well-being by helping your body manage chronic pain.

Contact our office or call (864) 775-5682 to learn more about how stem cells can fortify your joints and ligaments for optimal health:

About Stem Cells

Stem cells, colloquially known as “blank cells,” take on the characteristics of other cells near them. Their structures can develop into bone, muscle, and tendon cells when introduced to specific areas of the body. For this reason, the treatment can be especially helpful for patients who are suffering from pain. In a recent study, patients were asked to describe their pain before and after receiving stem cell therapy. Their pain was reduced from 7.8 to 2.3 after stem cell treatments. (1)

Stem cell therapy is especially helpful for conditions such as tennis elbow which is characterized by inflammation that causes pain and discomfort. If you have tennis elbow, stem cells can help you relieve your pain for enhanced mobility. Many patients prefer stem cells because they are a natural solution that helps your body regenerate. You can manage your symptoms without taking addictive medicine or managing side effects from harmful chemicals. Dr. Haasis can perform a physical exam to determine the best treatment for your needs.

Stem Cells Benefits

The minimally invasive treatment is a natural, biological material that helps to restore your healthy tissues and helps you feel your best. With stem cell therapy, patients can enjoy:

  • Increased mobility: By helping you manage chronic pain, we can also increase your mobility.
  • Fortified soft tissue and muscle support: We can use stem cells to help your body maintain healthy joint and muscle tissues.
  • A minimally invasive solution: We can deliver stem cells as an injection without the risk of long surgical scars that require anesthesia, a lengthy recovery, and disrupt your daily routine.
  • A natural and chemical-free treatment: Unlike many pain medications, the treatment is natural, free of harsh chemicals, and non-addictive.
  • Joint support: If you suffer from weak elbow joints, we can help you strengthen them with stem cell treatments.
  • Chronic pain relief: Patients find that they can enjoy relief from chronic pain after receiving stem cells due to the way that the regenerative treatment helps to restore their essential ligaments.

Candidates & Consultation

The best candidates for stem cell therapy have pain, lack of mobility, or trouble maintaining healthy joints. During your consultation, Dr. Haasis will ask about your medications and lifestyle to determine whether or not stem cell therapy is the right fit for your needs. Please come prepared to discuss your medical history to help him develop a personalized treatment plan. He will ask about your symptoms and whether or not you have had stem cell therapy in the past. If there are additional areas you would like to treat, he can discuss your needs and develop a plan to help you find relief.

To learn more about our additional treatments, see our blog.

Preparation & Procedure

During your procedure, we will apply a topical anesthetic for a more comfortable treatment. Dr. Haasis will inject the stem cells beneath your skin in the area where you are experiencing symptoms to help your body regenerate. To prepare for your procedure, you will need to:

  • Stop smoking for approximately 6 weeks before and after you receive stem cell therapy
  • Eat healthy meals to support your body leading up to the procedure
  • Get adequate rest (7-8 hours of sleep each night)

On the day of your procedure, you will need to arrive at the Daisy Institute in comfortable clothing that you can easily remove. Dr. Haais will use a local anesthetic and a very thin needle to inject the stem cells into your elbow. You can enjoy improvements in your elbows over the next few weeks as the stem cells help your body regenerate new, healthy tissue.

Recovery & Results

After the treatment, you may have some minor puffiness around the injection site. You will need to avoid strenuous exercise for a week to allow the stem cell treatment to settle into your body. It can take approximately 6-8 weeks for the stem cells to improve your symptoms. You will need to:

  • Avoid high-impact activities that involve the use of your elbows
  • Refrain from carrying heavy loads that could strain your elbows
  • Stretch and be gentle with your body

As the stem cells work to support your body, you can enjoy increased mobility and feel more comfortable performing daily tasks. Stem cells are well-known for their ability to provide long-lasting relief. Whether or not you need to return for additional treatments will depend on your symptoms, the size of the treatment area, and the severity of your condition. Do not wait to find relief. Contact our office or call (864) 775-5682 to schedule your initial consultation and learn more about how we can help you feel your best.

Corresponding Treatments

Shoulder Pain

If you are also suffering from shoulder pain, Dr. Haasis can help you restore your mobility with stem cells. During the procedure, he will inject stem cells into your shoulder near the area where you are experiencing discomfort. Whether you are suffering from bone degradation, inflammation, or a damaged tendon, stem cells can help you improve your well-being for an enhanced quality of life.

Neck Pain

Patients who experience shoulder pain often experience neck pain as well. If you are suffering from neck pain, we can use stem cells to address both acute and chronic pain, depending on your needs. Dr. Haasis can perform a physical to determine the best treatment. He can treat your neck and shoulders during one appointment if you are experiencing pain in both areas.

Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common causes of pain for adults in the United States. Approximately 80% of people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. (2) Lumbar spinal stenosis – a condition that occurs when the spinal vertebrae narrow in the lower back and cause pain – affects approximately 103 million people around the globe. (3) We can help you find relief with stem cell treatments. The stem cells can help your body regenerate and create new healthy tissue.

Cost of Stem Cells for Elbows in South Carolina

The cost of your stem cell therapy will depend on the size of the area you would like to treat, your symptoms, and whether or not you need additional procedures to meet your goals. During your consultation, Dr. Haasis can recommend additional procedures, if needed, and provide an all-inclusive quote to help you find relief and restore your daily function.

Contact our office or call (864) 775-5682


Can stem cells work for chronic elbow conditions?

Yes, stem cells can be an effective treatment for helping you find relief from conditions such as tennis elbow. We can discuss how we can support your mobility and increase your range of motion with stem cells.

How many stem cell treatments will I need to see results?

Many patients can achieve their desired results after just one stem cell treatment. However, your treatment plan will depend on your symptoms. We can discuss your specific needs during your consultation. 

Are there any risks to stem cells for elbows? 

After a stem cell injection, you may experience some temporary swelling near the injection site as the stem cells settle into the tissue.

Are stem cells for elbows safe for athletes?

Yes, many athletes have benefited from stem cell treatments that restore their range of motion and well-being. Athletes can significantly benefit from stem cell treatments because the therapy does not include harsh chemicals that can create side effects.


  1. Edwards, S. G., & Calandruccio, J. H. (2003). Autologous blood injections for refractory lateral epicondylitis. The Journal of hand surgery, 28(2), 272-278. 
  2. Martin BI, Tosteson ANA, Lurie JD, et al. Back pain in the United States. Published October 28, 2014. Accessed July 30, 2024. 
  3. Katz JN, Zimmerman ZE, Mass H, Makhni MC. Diagnosis and Management of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Review. JAMA. 2022;327(17):1688-1699. doi: