Stem Cells for Spinal Stenosis

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Greenville, SC, Spartanburg, SC, Columbia, SC, Anderson, SC and Asheville, NC

Spinal stenosis is a common condition that occurs when the spaces between the vertebrae narrow, putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. Receiving stem cell therapy for back pain can enhance mobility, reduce discomfort, and support your body’s natural recovery process. If you are struggling with lower back pain and mobility issues that have not improved with exercise, you are not alone. Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) in the lower back affects approximately 103 million people across the globe. (1) Stem cell therapy is a natural, gentle form of regenerative medicine that is well-known for supporting the body’s recovery process and helping patients manage chronic pain.

Dr. John C. Haasis III has decades of experience helping patients restore their bodies, and at the Daisy Institute, we take a holistic approach to regenerative medicine. There is no need to struggle alone with pain. Stem cells are a low-risk treatment for supporting your body during your recovery.

Contact our office or call (864) 775-5682 to learn how stem cells for spinal stenosis can transform your body and increase your vitality:

About Stem Cells for Spinal Stenosis

Some people are born with spinal stenosis while others develop it later in life. Lifestyle habits such as sleep, work, exercise, and smoking can also change the nerves in your spine. (2) Changes to the physical makeup of your spine can cause mobility, bowel, and bladder issues. Approximately 50-80% of adults experience lower back pain during their lifetimes, (2) and in a recent study 18-29% of patients with the condition had LSS. (3) When the spaces within the spinal column narrow, some patients also experience pain in the nerves of the spinal cord that run from the brain down the neck (cervical spine) to the center of the spine.

Spinal stenosis can occur in the cervical spine, middle to upper back (thoracic spine), or lower back (lumbar spine). (4) Many patients seek stem cell therapy to support their body during physical therapy, restorative exercise, and other nonsurgical spinal stenosis treatments.

About Regenerative Medicine

As you age, the ability of your body to regenerate and heal declines. Stem cells, colloquially known as “blank cells” take on traits assigned to them by your body. They are safe and well-tolerated. With stem cells, we can support the treatment of:

  • Mobility issues: If you are experiencing pain in the legs when you walk or stand for long periods (neurogenic claudication), stem cells can treat it for increased comfort and improved mobility.
  • Incontinence: Severe spinal stenosis can cause incontinence because spinal pressure can affect the nerves that control bladder and bowel function. Stem cells can help your nerves regenerate for improved function.
  • Sexual health: Stem cells can support your body in restoring its mobility for improved sexual health and more satisfying intimate relationships.

Benefits of Stem Cells for Spinal Stenosis

Stem cells are an effective treatment because they have the ability to restore your body from the inside out. The benefits of stem cells for spinal stenosis include the following:

  • Enhanced mobility
  • Improved balance
  • Fast procedure
  • Gentle, minimally invasive
  • Long-lasting benefits
  • Well-tolerated therapy
  • No scarring
  • Effective treatment


If you are struggling with spinal stenosis, stem cells are a supportive treatment that can aid your recovery process. Depending on your spinal stenosis treatment, Dr. Haasis can recommend stem cell therapy to enhance your recovery. Although stem cells are not a primary treatment for spinal stenosis, we can use them to enhance your current treatment plan for effective results. The well-tolerated regenerative therapy has helped thousands of patients improve pain symptoms and feel more comfortable in their bodies. The best candidates are healthy nonsmokers who do not have a history of cancer or blood disorders.


During your consultation at the Daisy Institute, Dr. Haasis will ask about your current medications, lifestyle, and symptoms to determine if stem cell therapy will be an effective treatment for you. There are different stages of spinal stenosis, and depending on the severity of your condition, you may need multiple injections. During your consultation, we will discuss your symptoms and the best plan of care to help your body recover. If you are currently receiving treatment for spinal stenosis, we may ask you to send a copy of your medical records. Please come prepared to discuss your medical history and lifestyle changes. To learn more about stem cell treatment, see our blog.


Please arrive at the office in comfortable clothing that you can easily remove for your treatment. You may also need to prepare to take a few days off of work to rest. Adjusting your routine to reduce intense physical exercise and heavy lifting will help your body heal. If you smoke, you will need to stop six weeks before and after your procedure to support your body in healing. You will also need to eat healthy meals and get plenty of rest while the treatment takes effect.

Procedure & Recovery

During the procedure, Dr. Haasis uses local anesthesia and a very thin needle to inject stem cells into the treatment area. As the stem cells help your body regenerate, you can enjoy incremental improvements over time. Stem cells trigger the regenerative process of your body to help you manage your symptoms. The stem cells will take on new traits to repair damaged tissue.

After a stem cell treatment, you may need to take a few days to rest and help your body recover. Dr. Haasis will provide recovery instructions based on your treatment, and he may recommend:

  • Avoiding high-impact activities
  • Carrying light loads
  • Gentle daily stretching
  • Avoiding sudden movement


After receiving stem cells for spinal stenosis, you can enjoy enhanced mobility and feel more comfortable in your body. There is no need to live with lower back pain and discomfort any longer. Stem cell treatments can provide long-lasting relief by helping your body generate new tissue for improved mobility and quality of life.

Cost of Stem Cells for Spinal Stenosis in South Carolina

The cost of your stem cell treatment will depend on your symptoms and the details of your treatment plan. If you need more than one stem cell treatment, we can provide an all-inclusive quote during your consultation. Contact our office or call (864) 775-5682 or fill out our form to learn more about how stem cells for spinal stenosis can restore your mobility:


Can stem cells help people with back pain?

Stem cell therapy has emerged as a promising treatment option for chronic back pain, particularly when traditional treatments have failed.

How does stem cell therapy work for back pain?

Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, including those that make up the intervertebral discs, muscles, and other spinal structures. They can potentially regenerate damaged tissues by promoting the growth of new, healthy cells.

Will a stem cell treatment hurt?

No, we use local anesthesia for a comfortable treatment that helps your body regenerate over time so you can enjoy long-lasting results.

What is the success rate of stem cell therapy for back pain?

The success rate of stem cell therapy for back pain varies depending on several factors, including the patient’s individual condition and health status. While research in this field is ongoing, many patients experience substantial improvements in pain relief, mobility, and quality of life with stem cell therapy.

How long does it take to see results from a stem cell treatment?

You will notice the full effect of the treatment after a few weeks because your body needs time to regenerate.

How long will the results of a stem cell treatment last?

The results of your stem cell treatment will depend on your condition and treatment plan. However, the severity of your condition and your lifestyle will determine how long your results will last.

Will I need more than one stem cell treatment for spinal stenosis treatment?

The way the body reacts to stem cell treatments differs from patient to patient; nothing is guaranteed. During your consultation, we can discuss your treatment plan to determine the best fit based on your symptoms and lifestyle.


  1. Katz JN, Zimmerman ZE, Mass H, Makhni MC. Diagnosis and Management of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Review. JAMA. 2022;327(17):1688-1699. doi:
  2. Li B, Yang Y, Wang L, Liu G. Stem Cell Therapy and Exercise for Treatment of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration. Hu B, ed. Stem Cells International. 2021;2021:1-10. doi:
  3. Kalichman L, Cole R, Kim DH, et al. Spinal stenosis prevalence and association with symptoms: the Framingham Study. The Spine Journal. 2009;9(7):545-550. doi:
  4. Raja A, Hoang S, Viswanath O, Herman JA, Mesfin FB. Spinal stenosis. PubMed. Published December 19, 2021.